We have made 4 categories for you to choose from. All topics are interesting and informative although not always optimistic but surely realistic. We hope you have an opportunity to learn and possibly be educated about the mass incarceration in the land of the free and home of the brave. Feel free to send material and we’ll review it and let you know if we can post it. Thanks again and please remember to donate.
Sentence with God’s Gift in Mind Age: 62 Family: Wife, Denise; 5 Children; 3 Grandchildren Plea Offer: 70 Months: Without Cooperation Plea Offer: 98 Months: WITH Cooperation (all things hidden) Guideline sentence at trial: 0 – 18 months Trial Tax: Sentence: 225 months/19 YEARS! Served: 63 Months Doing this section is one of the hardest narrative’s I have ever written. Not knowing God’s path for my life, focused in this potentially transformative environment, God’s
Paying it Forward – Cold Glass of Milk In the Prison Classes with 2% Recidivism Rate We Teach A “Pay It Forward” Type of Attitude. So we encourage the men here with true stories like this one to show them it’s not all about self. One day a young man who was selling encyclopedias knocked on the door of an elderly gentleman. The man answered the door and asked what the young man wanted. “I’m selling
Do We Really Want Justice Reform Or Is It Just A Nice Thought? I have read the compressed volumes of Gulag Archipelago at least 7 or 8 times. It’s about the former Soviet Union and how it shot itself in the foot, by forming a “snitch” society that got so out of control that family members made up lies about each other just to avoid going to prison. I believe we are falling into the
Is A Cure for Aids/HIV being Suppressed? So the following [below] is an example of a solution to a very serious problem our `Think Tank” membership has knowledge of and seen work first hand. Because we are “prisoners” we are currently not able to collaborate the people or groups or resources necessary to proliferate this “solution” as well as others out to the world. If the “free world” won`t interact or entertain prisoners ideas, treating
Elderly inmates want to be useful! We are a group of elderly prisoners writing to you from Federal Corrections Institute at Terminal Island in California. Our hope is that you will hear our stories and help us along with members of the elder prison community who are currently incarcerated to have a second change at a meaningful life. We face long sentences, timely health issues, and are a group that is often overlooked in the current
What is wrong with these stories? <<< Videos >>> It is of course a rhetorical question. These former inmates were finally exonerated and started a new life on the outside. Watch the videos and you be the judge!
One of The Most Inspirational Stories You’ll Ever Read, Sent Your Way By A Mouse So as I have said before in this blog, I once was a bodyguard to the rich and famous. When I first came to prison, I celled up with a young Native American man. Which in of itself is unusual because my skin is white and he’s a native. Usually the races cell up together. I’m Italian, which is Latin,
Don’t come here! We wake at about 6am typically, go to breakfast which consists of either oatmeal, grits or cereal. Either corn, or bran. We return to our units or go outside to workout at either the weight pile, or on bikes, stair steppers, or we go to our respective jobs. Either at Unicor, or other duties. [However, usually the weights are all taken up by youngsters who are bodybuilders and the guys how really
77 year old goes back to prison! So, here’s what drama happened today on our prison reality show here. A gentleman who is 77 years old, finally was granted “compassionate release” about 6 weeks ago. He showed back up here last night. So we asked him what happened. Get this. He cannot work a job at his age, nobody wants to hire him. He was at the halfway house. Thing is, he’s been in prison
About 12 years ago, a baby bird fell out of one of the palm trees here at Terminal Island Federal Correctional Institute. The little bird was a Black Crown Night Heron, and was in desperate need of help, or it wouldn’t survive. It had a broken leg and as sometimes will happen; its brothers would swoop down and beat him up. It fell into a place full of criminals yes, but also a place full